How It Works
Complete This Online Form
Follow each step by filling out all of your card details, selecting the correct submission level for each card, and providing your mailing address.
Print Off and Sign The Submission Confirmation
After you have completed this online form, you will be provided with a submission confirmation. Please print this off and sign it.
Mail or drop off your submission to Canada Grading
Mail your submission to the address provided on the confirmation sheet. Don’t forget to include the signed sheet with your submission!
Now Accepting Submissions For March 30, 2025
This form must be filled out by March 30, 2025, and your mailed submission must be received no later than March 30, 2025. Otherwise, your submission will be sent to the grading service the following month.
1Card List | 2Address | 3Summary |
Please fill in all card details below, and click the "add card" button to add more cards to your submission. Note: pricing estimates do not include upcharges that the grading company may apply.
Mailing Address
Order Summary
Please review your submission order below. After you submit, you will not be able to edit your order. If you wish to send additional cards, please fill out the online form again.
Card List
Card Name | Card Year | Card Set | Card Number | Value | Quantity | Submission Level | Additional |
Estimated Cost
$0 CAD*
$0 CAD*
$0 CAD*
$0 CAD*
$0 CAD*
$0 CAD*
*Please note this does not include possible upcharges by the grading company, as well as additional service fees. A final invoice will be sent closer to the submission return date.
Your Mailing Details
Name | Ujith Algewatta |
Ujith Algewatta | |
Phone | Ujith Algewatta |
Ujith Algewatta | |
Return Type |
